🍿POPCORN: High-resolution Population Maps Derived from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 🌍🛰️

🏦 Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, ETH Zürich
🍇Environmental Computation Science and Earth Observation Laboratory, EPFL Sion
POPCORN is a lightweight population mapping method using free satellite images and minimal data, surpassing existing accuracy and providing interpretable maps for mapping populations in data-scarce regions.
High resolution population maps of Rwanda derived from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2

Time Series

Once trained, POPCORN can be used to generate population time series, as shown in the figure below.

POPCORN time series Population time series of Bunia, DRC, derived from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2. The noth part of the city shows the growth of the Kigonze refugee camp.

🏋️ Performance

We evaluate the performance of POPCORN on three datasets: Switzerland, Rwanda, and Puerto Rico.

POPCORN scatter plott series

Our ensembled version BAG-OF-POPCORN outperforms existing methods including those with access to high-resolution satellite imagery and building footprints.

POPCORN Swiss Performance

🛠️ How it works

The core of our method is a neural network model, termed POPCORN. It uses Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and a coarse population census outputs high-resolution population maps.

POPCORN overview scheme

The model has two components: (1) a pre-trained, frozen built-up area extractor; and (2) a building occupancy module that we train through weak supervision with coarse census counts, as illustrated in the Figure below. The model operates at the full Sentinel-1/-2 resolution, i.e., its output has a nominal spatial resolution of 10m. However, for the final product and evaluation, we recommend aggregating the raw output to a 1ha (100x100m) grid, as done for the evaluation of the paper.

Popcorn training scheme

📰 News

🎓 Citation

  title={High-resolution Population Maps Derived from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2},
  author={Metzger, Nando and Daudt, Rodrigo Caye and Tuia, Devis and Schindler, Konrad},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.14006},